About Us

The Law Firm


The law firm in Vienna was founded in 1991 by Mag. Dr. Géza Simonfay. Here the expertise and know-how of more than thirty years of professional experience is bundled. At the beginning of 2022, Mag. Dr. Géza Simonfay decided to retire from the firm and is now a retired lawyer in Vienna. He is pursuing his activities as a registered attorney in Budapest and as a sworn court interpreter in Vienna.


His law firm is now managed by his daughter, Anna Katharina Simonfay, and his son, Géza Simonfay-Leon, as the second generation. Our spirit: Preserve the good, welcome the new and tackle any challenge!


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Mag. Anna Katharina Simonfay

Lawyer (DE, FR, EN, HU)

Mag. Anna Katharina Simonfay is a registered lawyer and therefore member of the Viennese Bar Association since 2022. She completed her Magister degree in Law at the University of Vienna, Austria, and the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Her working languages are German, English, French, and Hungarian.

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Mag. Geza Simonfay-Leon

Lawyer (DE, FR, EN, HU)

Mag. Géza Simonfay-Leon, maîtrise joined the law firm in 2016 and worked there as a trainee lawyer until the beginning of 2022. In 2022, he was registered as a lawyer at the Vienna Bar Association and since then he has been working as an independent lawyer. He has completed his magister studies in Law at the University of Vienna and a master study programme at the University of Paris X Nanterre. Between 2013 and 2016 he has worked as a translator and legal assistant at Simonfay, Salburg & Krenn. His working languages are German, English, French and Hungarian.

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Dr. Géza Simonfay

Retired Lawyer (DE, FR, EN, HU)
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MMag. Michael Krenn

Lawyer (DE, EN, SP)

MMag. Michael Krenn joined our law firm in 2006 as a trainee lawyer and has been a partner since 2011. As a graduate of International Business Administration, he not only has in-depth legal knowledge but also a comprehensive understanding of economics. In addition, MMag. Krenn is an expert in data protection law and a frequently invited speaker at seminars and courses on this topic. He speaks German, English, and Spanish.

Dr Vera Nagy LLM

Dr. Vera Nagy, LL.M.

Lawyer (DE, FR, EN, HU, CZ)

Dr. Vera Nagy, LL.M. worked from 2002 till 2006 as a trainee lawyer at the “Simonfay & Partners” in Budapest, and in 2007 she successfully passed the lawyer examination in Budapest. In 2009 she was a translator at the European Parliament in Luxembourg and in 2011 she worked as an administrator at the European General Court in Luxembourg. In 2010 she was registered as a lawyer at the Budapest Bar Association and in 2006 as an established European lawyer at the Vienna Bar Association. She speaks Hungarian, German, English, French, and Czech.

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Dr. iur. Arlette Zakarian, DEA, LL.M., EMINP

Lawyer (DE, FR, EN, ES, HY, FA)

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Daniel Toth, BA

Assistant (DE, EN, HU)

Daniel Toth has joined our team as an assistant in February 2022. He completed his bachelor’s degree in Translation Studies at the University of Vienna. His working languages are German, Hungarian and English.


Due to our family history, our activities mainly cover Austria and Hungary. Thanks to our language skills, we have successfully taken on and represented more and more French-speaking clients in recent years.


Our father, Dr. Géza Simonfay, first founded the law firm “Simonfay & Partner” in Vienna, and one year later in Budapest. He practiced law in Vienna for many years with the law firm “Simonfay, Salburg & Krenn”.


In 2019, we jointly established the company “Dr. Simonfay Rechtsanwalts GmbH”. However, the law firm continues to exist under the name “Simonfay, Krenn & Partner” in cooperation with Mag. Michael Krenn.


For a legal service to be successful, a relationship of trust must be established between the lawyer and his client. Our experience has shown us that a good working relationship is necessary for a successful, efficient and, above all, sustainable solution of the problem. That is why we see ourselves as your partner and solution provider in the legal field. With the support of our entire team, you will receive the necessary legal assistance for yourself or your company, tailored to your situation, so that you can achieve your business goals as quickly and decisively as possible.


In addition to our firm’s specific expertise in Eastern European law and its specialization in business law, we also advise and represent our clients in all matters of Austrian, Hungarian and European law. In this respect, we have extensive experience in civil, administrative and criminal proceedings at all levels of court.


In the course of our more than 30 years of existence, our law firm has, in close cooperation with our clients, been able to resolve a large number of complex national and international legal situations for well-known Austrian and global companies.


We are mainly specialized in business and commercial advising. We have extensive experience with M&A, business restructuring, competition law, labor law, commercial transactions, proceedings before ordinary courts and courts of arbitration, company law, tort law, real estate law, copyright law, as well as in the fields of EU law, intellectual property law, representation in cases of medical malpractice, and in the health care field in general. Our work as lawyers is informed by profound knowledge of EU law. Although our clients are mainly domestic and foreign small and medium-sized enterprises, we also represent a number of large companies on a continuous basis.


Another plus point is the multilingualism of our employees. The lawyers and trainee lawyers working in the law firm are fluent in German, Hungarian, French, English, Spanish, Serbian, Croatian and Czech.